My sister and I used to write poems to each other all the time in our early adult life. It has been years since I have written one and thought she would appreciate getting a sister poem out of the blue. As I sat down to pen my poem, I asked the Holy Spirit to lead me and share with her what He would like her to know. Twenty minutes later my sister poem was complete. I wrote it in a card and mailed it off to her the next day.

A Friend is one of the nicest things you can have
And one of the nicest things you can be
But a Sister is the best thing you can have
And I’m thankful God gave you to me
To be my baby sister
For this life here on this earth
That somehow, some place, some way
I may tell you what I’ve learned
Of God’s steadfast, faithful love
And sacrifice so deep
That He gave His one and only Son
To redeem those who believe,
And not just believe as the demons do
Knowing who He is
But believing in faith and with all your heart
That because of Him we live!
Life here on this earth
Is so temporary indeed
And because Jesus died and rose again,
We can have life for all eternity.
For Jesus took upon Himself
The curse of everyone
For we all sin and fall short of God
Father, mother, son.
There is not one righteous
No, not one the Bible says
So Jesus had to die for us
As our sacrificial Lamb
To cover our sins with His own blood
And forgive us one and all.
But let me make this very clear
It’s to only those He’s called
And those who repent and seek forgiveness
To exchange their life and follow Him.
For once you give your life to Jesus
You die and are born again.
So my dear sweet baby sister
Who I love with all my heart
Please listen to these words of truth
I’m trying to impart
I love being your big sis
Here in this earthly realm
But scripture says there’s more to come
And the choice is heaven or hell
For heaven means to live with God
And His love, His joy, His peace
And hell is to be separated far from Him
No love, no joy, so bleak.
And so I pray day in and day out
That God would draw you near
So when the day comes to leave this place
Together we’ll rejoice and shout and cheer!
Together we will sing our praise
To Jehovah God above
For making us sisters before the beginning of time
Today, and in life to come!
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