I would love you to meet my family.
My Husband, Richard

Richard and I
This is my rock, Richard. He is the best ‘athletic supporter’ any gal could hope for. Even with me being just a recreational athlete, he knows how important fitness and friends are to me and is willing to put up with my long training weeks and Sherpa my way to event weekends. I truly would not be able to commit to the hours of training that I do without his support. On top of that, he has taken an active role in studying the bible and learning more about God and following Christ. As a matter of fact, he’s so committed to serving, he changed our business focus from healthcare and real estate to support Christian churches. He figured being a WordPress expert he could offer his skills to help the church reach more people.
Our Daughter, Gracie
And this is our beautiful daughter Gracie who changed our world completely when she entered it! She is the most loving, caring, and sweetest little girl you will meet. She loves hearing the story of being “in my belly” when I ran my first marathon and crossing the finish line with me. She is definitely a Mommy’s girl (sorry Richard) and loves to run with me, as well as play princess and many other little girl things.
I’m happy you got to meet my family. Now follow us on our journey of this crazy thing called life!
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