The week leading up to the race I start writing down every piece of gear I will need during race day, from setting up in transition to dry clothes once the race is complete. This, of course, is based on my own personal needs and training; your list will vary, however this will give you a good idea of items you should have, items you may want to have or items that would be good to have but you just didn’t think of.
Must Have’s
- Swim Goggles
(a second back-up pair is a good idea)
- Swim Cap
- Bike
- Bike Water/Fuel Bottle
- Bike Shoes
- Helmet
- Running Shoes
(ok, if you’re a barefoot runner this isn’t a must)
- Timing Chip
- Fuel
Good to Have
- Garmin / GPS Watch
- Tri-Suit
- Wet Suit (this is usually a must for me but some prefer no wet suit if water temp is warm enough)
- Neoprene Cap (if water is really cold)
- Socks (I’ve tried to forgo socks in training and ended up with blisters during the run so they’re a must for me at least for running. Depends on weather temp if I wear them during the bike portion.)
- Speed laces
- Hat
- Glasses
- Towels (2)
- Sweats & Sweatshirt (for before and after race)
- Flip flops / Sandles (for before and after race)
- Phone
- Bottles of Water and Gatorade to keep in Transition
Extras – these items I incorporated into my 70.3 training that I didn’t necessarily use for shorter distance triathlons
- Vest (keep core warm during bike portion – also pocket to store phone and extra food)
- Fuelbelt
(most rely on aid stations but I like to carry my own)
- Excedrin
- Arm Warmers
- Aquaphor
- Electrolyte Tablets
- Black Marker
Did I leave something out that you are sure to have in your gear checklist? Share with us below!
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